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Nagy Márton a közleményben kiemelte, hogy a háborús gazdasági helyzet, az EU által a tagországokra erőltetett hibás és sikertelen szankciók miatt a hazai kkv-knak jelentős energiaköltség-növekedéssel kell megküzdeniük.

Tájékoztatása szerint a kormány idén 75 milliárd forintot biztosít a drasztikus energiaáremelkedés okozta működési költségnövekedések kompenzálására, további 25 milliárddal támogatja a kkv-k energiahatékonysági beruházásait, amelyeket a kormány a beruházás összköltségének 15 százalékáig támogat, a Széchenyi Kártya Program keretében nyújtott kedvező kamatozású beruházási hitelhez szükséges önerő egy részének átvállalásával.

A program beruházásösztönzési elemének jövő évi részleteiről a kormány várhatóan a Széchenyi Kártya Program 2023. évi folytatásának és feltételeinek megtárgyalásakor, már a mostani támogatási program idei tapasztalatainak ismeretében fog dönteni.

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Scary Horror 2: Escape Games Walkthrough

Scary Horror 2: Escape Games Walkthrough

Scary Horror 2: Escape Games is an Adventure, Thriller, and Single-player Hidden Object video game released by Escape Adventure Games for the Android Platform. It occurs in a haunted hospital where something unexpected has been happening around every corner. Currently, the developer has released 1 chapter only, but “Chapter 2” is expected to be released soon. The perfect mix of Horror and Puzzle bring you to a new world where finding hidden objects in the presence of dead bodies is annoying. We also have covered the first game, “Scary Horror Escape Walkthrough Guide,” click on the link to find out how to complete all of its challenging levels.

A strange adventure awaits you holding a series of challenging puzzles to solve and mini-games to play. Get ready to become an innocent character in the scary game and discover an incredible horror adventure full of suspense and terror, unexpected twists, thrilling mysteries, and elaborate riddles. Unleash your detective abilities and jump into the game to figure out what is happening by solving puzzles and riddles. Instead of focusing on deadly things, keep your concentration on finding hidden objects to solve puzzles. The game won’t give you any list of objects to discover; therefore, you should interact with all rooms to explore them and find hidden items to reach the end.

Scary Horror 2: Escape Games Walkthrough – Chapter 1: Kidnapping

Open your eyes to a scary place where rooms are dirty, leaving no way to escape. During the gameplay, you may discover a series of brain teasers fully equipped with scary puzzles, horror adventures, and more. The mind-blowing thriller may take you through an unforgettable journey infused with evil traps. There’s only one chapter available to play; however, Scary Horror 2: Escape Games Chapter 2 is under development and will be released soon, developers said. Read our Scary Horror 2 Escape Games Walkthrough to find all solutions and answers.

  • Firstly, you must discover the metal nipper below the basin and add it to your inventory.

  • Select the metal nippers and cut the lock fixed on the cupboard to collect a blue hose.

  • Head to the bathtub and get a spoon from around the edges.
  • Click on the box available on the right side of the dead body and play a mini-game to get a pipe clamp.
  • Tap the body to remove the cover, select the spoon to bring the eye out, and obtain a key.

  • Now, use the blue hose from the inventory and connect it to the handle fixed between two basins. Tap the hose to throw it into the massive hole and use it to go down.


You are now in a basement with lots of pipe connections, along with a massive water tank and a rack on the left side.

  • Here you need to collect a wrench kept on the floor and head to the green bag to check the notebook and a paper clip.
  • Select the key from the inventory and use it to open the box available in the bag to obtain a folding knife.

  • Go to the Washroom, where your goal is to select the wrench to remove the valve and fix it below with other pipes in the basement.
  • Set all valves following the image to stop the pressure and fix the leakage using the pipe clamp.

  • Near the massive tank is a door, and crossing it may lead you to a new room where lots of other stuff is available, along with a fridge and cages.

Boiler Room

  • There’s a painting on the front wall where you must tap to play a mini-game. The painting is a jigsaw puzzle and comes to complete the image by moving the pieces.

  • Once you solve the puzzle, obtain a stick and keep it in your inventory.
  • Head to the cage and collect a net from there. Now, tap the net from your inventory and connect it with the stick. Before leaving the room, don’t forget to collect a piece of paper from the wooden box available on the left side of the room.

  • After making a stick, you should tap on the arrow buttons to discover a new room where lots of traps are available, and it seems they are set up for you.


  • Now, you are in the third room, where you must tap on the telephone booth, head to the diary, and place the second half paper piece there to discover the number (13131391).
  • Dial the number on the classic phone to get a coin.

  • After that, you should go to the Washroom where a body is available.


  • Hitting the back button two to three times to reach your initial scene. Head to the bathtub and select the butterfly net to bring a red button out. Head to the body, fix the paper clip with the zip and open it to get a bulb.
  • Now, use the knife to cut the box for a blue lever. Head to the boiler room and tap on the tank to fix the blue button.
  • Once done, you have to set the positions of all levers to get a key/nail.
  • Discover the ventilation on the left side to remove the broken bulb and replace it with the new one.

  • Head to the telephone booth room, tap on the box of the fire extinguisher, and open it using the key to get an extinguisher.

  • Before leaving the area, head to the cabinet and play a mini-game to set the placements of all buttons, following their images drawn on their spots to get a scissor.

  • Now, head to the hallway, select the red button and place it on the fridge, but before don’t forget to collect a screwdriver from there.

  • Insert the coin into the same machine and hit the red button to get a cold drink.

  • Use the inventory’s screwdriver to open the boiler room ventilation and get a paper clue.


  • After getting the passcode, go back to the hallway and head to the cage, where you must enter the code (2631) to open the box and get a crowbar and a doll hand from inside.

  • Tap the door available on the left side and bring all nails out using the crowbar to open the door.

New Room

Please open the door and go through it to discover more clues and hidden items to solve the tricky puzzles. After getting into the room, you will find a man hanging from the roof.

  • Tap on the cloth on the floor and keep it in your inventory.
  • Collect the note available on the table between candles.
  • On the right side is a rack where lots of jars are available, and your job is to move them according to the circle shapes for a metal piece.

  • Now, head to the body hanging there and open the pocket to get a key.

  • On the left side, there’s a room where you must go inside to discover a doll’s head and surgery equipment, including scissors.

  • Go back to the hanging body, select the scissor to cut the stitches, and use a tool to open the area for a punched card.
  • Once again, you should go to the room on the left side and head to the circuit to open it using the key from the inventory. It reveals a mini-game where your goal is to connect pipes properly and pull the handle.

  • Head to the patient chair, select the doll’s head from the inventory and fix it on the body. Remove the belts to get the doll back on your list.

  • Head to the room where three traps are set up, throw the doll to disable the second trap, tap the room and go through it to reach a new room.

Waiting Area

Now, you are in a waiting area where the fire is burning, and you have to select the fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire.

  • Head to the chair and collect forceps from there. Select the cloth and use it to clean the briefcase kept next to the wheelchair. Head to the jars and collect a red ball from there.

  • Open the briefcase to get a book and note the time written on paper.

  • Tap the clock on the right side, set the time you found in a briefcase, use the punched card and collect a knob.

  • There is a massive frame on the left side where many images are added. Click on the frame to get a clue that will be added to your inventory upon getting tapped.

  • Take a step back to the previous room, place the knob to a cabinet inside the red box, and collect an Ice breaker from there.

  • Go back to the room where you found a doll, head to the bookshelf, and add a book from your inventory to solve a puzzle.

  • Pick up the nameplate of “Kilstomery” from a secret that opens as you solve the book puzzle.

  • Head to the cabinet in the same room available with a missing nameplate.

  • Select the plate from the inventory and place it over there to open the drawers to search records, but first, you have to enter the passcode on a locker (9121) to open it. Get a knife, spray, and pieces of images from all drawers.

  • Select the knife and use it on the head kept on the table; remove all layers to obtain the lighter and add it to your inventory.

Boiler Room

  • After collecting a lighter, you should go back to the boiler room, head to the ventilation, and place the lighter to light up the area.

  • Obtain a tape from there and go to the surgery room where you collected a doll to tape the pieces of images.

  • Obtain the image, and visit the waiting area to place the image in the frame along with pictures.
  • See the images following their background to open a secret room.


You may reach a laboratory after going through the secret door, where your job is to find hidden items and utilize them to solve mysteries.

  • Firstly, tap the box on the floor and solve a puzzle to get a bottle of H2O2. You have to obtain another bottle on the left side of the box.

  • Select the icebreaker from the inventory and use it to remove ice from the fridge; open it to get a corrugated hose from inside.

  • Head to your inventory and connect the hose with the spray bottle. Now, tap the wooden box on the right side, add a red ball, and draw the pattern as shown in the image below to get a pencil.

  • Click on the table, bring the pencil to the sharpener machine, select hydrogen peroxide and keep it near the spoon.
  • Keep the paper on the chair in the room and let the pencil draw a code for you on it (681537).

  • Select the spray with sleep gas and use it on rats to get a key using forceps.
  • Now, go back to the hallway with the hidden room and head to the metal door that requires you to enter the code. Dial the passcode 681537 to open the door and go through it.

Secret Room with Metal Door

  • Go to the room to pick up a paper from the floor and head to the sink to collect a fireman glove.

  • Turn on the tap and fill the bottle with water.

  • Tap the green monitor available on the right side holding a mini-game. To solve the puzzle, you have to set the numbers as follows: 5+6+9=20 (Top), 7+8+4=19 (Middle), and 1+3+2=6 (Down). As the secret box opens, collect a spray bottle from there and add it to your inventory.
  • Head to the X-ray bed to get a clue and leave the area to visit another side of the room.

  • There’s a cupboard that is locked. Enter the code 8697 to open it and discover a red box
  • Use the fire glove to open the fireplace cover, and you will see a burning body inside it.

Second Part of Scary Horror 2: Escape Games Chapter 1 will be released soon.

More Chapters Walkthroughs:

  • Scary Horror 2: Escape Games Chapter 2 Walkthrough
  • Scary Horror 2: Escape Games Chapter 3 Walkthrough – Liberation (Coming Soon)


Scary Horror 2: Escape Games gives you a chance to challenge yourself when playing horror games with high-quality graphics and a stimulating environment. There’s only one aim to escape the abandoned place alive. To survive till the end, you must be a detective; otherwise, survival won’t be easy. Furthermore, the game features high-quality graphics and creepy soundtracks that may keep you engaged for endless hours of fun.

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